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Environmental law, Water & Energy

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Environmental law, Water & Energy

Complying with increasingly stringent environmental regulations is essential for legal operation. An environmental law specialist ensures that your activities meet current regulations and protect your commercial interests. At OBM, we offer the expert legal advice you need to confidently tackle these challenges.

Why do you need a specialist lawyer in environmental law?

A lawyer specialized in environmental law offers comprehensive services to comply with environmental regulations, from obtaining permits to legal representation in litigation. With knowledge of both national and international laws, they ensure efficient compliance and prevent penalties.

We found the most profitable options for you

At OBM, we are committed to providing effective solutions for your legal and environmental needs. By choosing to work with us, you will enjoy multiple benefits:

  1. Prevention of penalties: Our environmental law specialist attorneys work proactively to avoid penalties by ensuring full compliance with environmental regulations.

  2. Search for the best options: We analyze all available options to find the most cost-effective and efficient solutions for your company to comply with environmental laws.

  3. Legal compliance assurance: We ensure that all laws, both national and international, are rigorously followed in all your operations, thereby minimizing legal risks and penalties.

  4. Specialized advice: Our attorneys offer expert advice and personalized solutions tailored specifically to the needs of your company, ensuring a comprehensive and effective approach to your environmental and business challenges.

  5. Innovation and sustainability: We are at the forefront of sustainability trends and help you adopt responsible business practices that benefit not only your company but also the environment, ensuring a sustainable future for all.

  6. Time and Resource Savings: We handle the legal complexity of international trade, allowing you to focus on growing your business.

  7. Quick Conflict Resolution: We act swiftly in negotiating commercial disputes, minimizing the impact on your operations.

  8. Personalized Advisory: We understand that each company is unique, so we offer personalized legal advice to meet your specific needs.

We guarantee compliance with the laws

In the realm of international commerce, challenges abound, necessitating specialized attention. Here are several scenarios where a specialized lawyer can provide professional assistance, ensuring optimal outcomes for your business.

  1. International Contract Negotiation: When facing the task of negotiating agreements with business partners in different countries, it’s imperative to have a specialized lawyer who ensures fairness and legality of the agreed terms.

  2. Guidance in International Buying and Selling Transactions: To conduct international trade exchanges safely, it’s essential to have legal support ensuring compliance with all obligations by the involved parties.

  3. Ensuring Compliance with International Regulations: Regulations and laws can vary significantly between different countries. A lawyer will provide assistance to ensure compliance with all applicable regulations, avoiding potential penalties and fines.

  4. Legal Assistance in Import and Export Operations: From document management to customs conflict resolution, a specialized lawyer simplifies the entire import and export process.

  5. Risk Management in Cross-Border Trade: Identifying and mitigating risks is crucial to prevent potential losses. A lawyer can offer effective strategies to handle these risks efficiently.

  6. International Business Structuring: When expanding your business activities internationally, proper business structuring is essential to optimize operations and comply with local regulations.”

Our services

Regulatory Compliance and Counseling
  • Advising clients on local, national, and international environmental regulations and helping them ensure compliance with applicable laws.
  • Providing guidance on obtaining necessary permits and licenses for environmental, water, and energy-related projects.
Transactional Support:
  • Assisting with the negotiation, drafting, and review of contracts, agreements, and other legal documents related to environmental, water, and energy matters, such as leases, purchase agreements, and joint venture agreements.
Climate Change and Sustainability:
  • Advising on climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies, carbon emissions reduction initiatives, and sustainability practices to help clients navigate emerging regulatory requirements and market trends.


Liltigation and dispute resolution
  • Representing clients in litigation and alternative dispute resolution proceedings related to environmental, water, and energy issues.

Our expertise extends to advising both corporations and government bodies, offering comprehensive legal guidance tailored to the complexities of international regulations. From navigating licensing or permitting intricacies to ensuring compliance and enforcement.

With a proven track record in courtroom representation, we adeptly address pressing environmental concerns, including water quality management, sustainable energy, initiatives, waste management, and more.


Whether it’s advising on the nuances of air quality regulations or mitigating noise and odor challenges, we’re dedicated to delivering tangible results that drive progress and sustainability on a global scale.



Our Contact






Beursplein 37, 3011 AA Rotterdam (Netherlands)


Calle Zurbarán 8, 1ª Planta, 28010 Madrid (Spain)


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